(December 18, 2014)
Dear members, friends and inquirers of The Fellowship of the InexhaustibleCup,
As some of you may know, six months ago Matushka Cynthia and I closedour small business and made the decision to “live by faith” trusting OurLord God in all things and for all things so that I could go to Roswell,Georgia for proper training and preparation for the Holy Priesthood. Aftersuccessfully completing a very blessed training period we then relocatedto Natural Bridge Station in Virginia (2014) to join our dear friend, ArchpriestFr. John Moses* in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
Simultaneously, after much hard work, we were granted the formal nonprofit status (501C3) by the IRS. We are very appreciative and indebted toArchpriest Fr. Gordon, our spiritual father, of 21 years, for his willingness tosponsor The Fellowship until it could acquire its own independence.
We are grateful for our dear friend, Mother Andrea, Abbess of St. NicholasMonastery in N. Ft. Myers, Florida for her loving support to us and TheFellowship over the years. By the grace of God, I was given the greatestblessing of my life besides the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. I wasordained to the Holy Priesthood by the loving hands of our Metropolitan,His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian ChurchAbroad on December 18, 2014 at St. Nicholas (Women’s Monastery),thanks be to God. (See photos below).
For those that may not know, our relocation to Natural Bridge Station notonly provides a home for The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup butincludes the development of a Center for healing and Orthodox spiritualitywhere men and women will be able to come on retreat. Archpriest Fr.John Moses and I are working with a wonderful Orthodox couple who aresponsoring the use of a beautiful historical house to be used for thedevelopment of this work along with other wonderful non profit causes.This property is located about then minutes away from one of the mostimportant state parks on the East Coast, Natural Bridge State Park, ageological formation which was once owned by Thomas Jefferson andconsidered one of the seven natural wonders of the world. With the blessing of our Metropolitan Hilarion, Archpriest Fr. John and I willbegin to celebrate the Divine Liturgy every week as part of an in homechapel in the historical house where he will act as the senior pastor and Iwill serve as associate pastor.
Since I have been given the responsibility of program director of thisCenter, I am in the process of proposing a few weekend retreats whichcould be offered as early as this spring. Updates for these events will beavailable on our website:
I am also going to be interviewed by a member of Ancient Faith Radio thismonth (Bobby Maddex). This recording will then be presented on AncientFaith Radio in the near future.
We continue to thank God and Our Lady of the Inexhaustible Cup and lookfor anyone who might benefit from membership participation. As you allknow, The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup is a ministry of intercessionpraying Akathist prayers offered daily to the Mother of God. We are verymuch in need of more members as well as any financial contributionsgiven to The Fellowship for its ongoing growth and development.
We also encourage new members and inquirers to consider the benefits ofour praying “for one another” under the Omophor of the Mother of God,known as “The Inexhaustible Cup” for ongoing healing and spiritualgrowth.
We remain the servants of Our Lord and Our Lady of the InexhaustibleCup,
Fr. Christophe and Matushka Cynthia
*Archpriest John Moses (may his memory be eternal).
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